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Climate Changes Effect on The Amazon Rainforest Drought

Ava Barasch

The Amazon rainforest is currently experiencing its worst drought in at least half a century. This is very concerning because the Amazon is responsible for removing warming carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. The drought has not only damaged the ecosystem but also prevented many from traveling because some people use the rivers for transportation purposes. 

Scientists have concluded that the primary cause of this is climate change. But how can climate change affect the amount of rainfall that an area gets? Research showed that the Amazon is receiving less and less rainfall because of the warming temperatures. Since the temperatures are getting warmer, there is more evaporation from the plants and soils, meaning they lose water. 

Climate change has made a drought of this severity around 30 times more likely. Droughts can be devastating for people in the area, especially for those who live in the Amazon because they use the river for food and a source of income. Scientists are saying that if the issue of climate change continues to worsen due to increasing oil, gas, and coal burning, the prevalence of these droughts will only increase.

The Amazon Rainforest also plays a vital role in preventing climate change from damaging the rest of the planet. When the rainforest is in its healthy state it “takes up more carbon dioxide than it releases” (Poynting) This can help the Earth remain at stable temperatures. If things do not change soon, the Amazon can emit more CO2 emissions than it takes up, which can lead to irreversible dieback of the whole rainforest.

Overall, this topic was extremely shocking to me because I was not informed that climate change could be one of the main causes of droughts. I was also not aware of how much the Amazon rainforest helped with the prevention of warmer temperatures because of climate change. Without this aid from the Amazon, it can only worsen the effects of climate change that the planet already experiences.


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