It is only in hindsight that I gain the ability to see
My eyes pried open to witness my grave travesty
Upon which I have committed to myself
In my blatant disregard and abuse of time and its inner workings
Upon my voyage I did not look
I did not stop to admire the scenery
My hands lay upon my lap
Drifting with the ocean currents
Staring down into my palms, wishing for a miracle of light to burst and provide me with the bliss I so desired
I drifted and drifted
Lacking the integrity to face reality and its tribulations
Immaturity at its finest
One day I had gained the bravery to look up, wondering where the calming nest of the lily pads had gone
Wondering why I could not see over the horizon where my voyage had wandered
In unfamiliar waters I panicked
I struck the water with my hands and desperately attempted to halt my movement
The cold water scraped at my hands
Dredging up my anger and my frustration, whilst drowning my sadness
Desperately flailing like a fool
Furious screams at the dissatisfaction of the water flow not ceasing
My ship, never stopping
And when my throat grew horse
And I could not help but withdraw my frostbitten hands from the water's surface
They lay again, upon my lap, motionless
As I drifted, and the bristling sunshine lit up the water in a warm embrace
It had dawned on me
As my ship rattled calmly against the currents
As my hands still laid limp in my lap
As my throat still ached
Even as the horizon and my future lay entirely out of sight
I let my hands rest idly in the soothing warm waters
Swaying with the currents
And my eyelash caught a tear in it's thick net
I realized
Just as a tree does not merely need water and sunlight to grow
All Good Things Take Time.